Now is the time to put a holiday plan in place!
What is a holiday accountability program you ask? Great question! This is a program that will run from November 1 through December 31 and is designed to help you get through the holidays in a sane and balanced manner. The holidays are a tricky time for many of us. They are often emotionally charged, and there are usually tons of opportunities to overeat and over-drink. The idea of this program is to create a support community where we help hold each other accountable and can have honest dialogue about our struggles and our wins. And I’ll be with you every step of the way to support you with my best tips for staying on track and healthy during these festive times.
Here’s what’s included in the program:
- Individual nutrition plan that is specific to you and your goals. This isn’t a cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all diet plan, but rather a personalized nutrition plan that will give you guidance on what and how much you should eat daily, based on your specific goals (for many of us that will be weight maintenance, but could be weight loss or muscle building).
- Membership in a private Facebook community. This is where we’ll meet and support one another. Along the way I’ll give my best tips on living a balanced, sane, healthy lifestyle during these two months. We’ll talk about strategies for maintaining nutrition, exercise tips, as well as stress control strategies.
- Live weekly support calls. Each week we’ll have a live Zoom call where we can get together, ask questions, share challenges, and create a sense of community. If you can’t attend any of the calls, we’ll record them and make them available to view on demand.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, here’s the deal. The cost is… nothing. Zero, zip, nada, completely 100% free no strings attached. All you need to do to enroll is send me an email at [email protected] saying you’re in, and that’s it. You’ll get a confirmation email back from me with a short questionnaire (so I can prepare your nutrition plan), and I’ll get you enrolled.
Now is the time to start planning your strategy for how you’re going to negotiate all those parties, family gatherings, pies, cookies, and eggnog.