Today we’re diving deep into the fascinating world of probiotics and the vital role they play in our overall health and healthy aging.
The term ‘probiotics’ might make you think of yogurt commercials, or maybe even those fancy refrigerated supplements at the health food store. But did you know that the history of probiotics in the United States goes way back before they became mainstream? Today, we’re going to explore that history, along with the incredible science of how these friendly bacteria work in harmony with our bodies.
We’ll also delve into the amazing world of the gut microbiome – that’s the diverse community of trillions of microorganisms living in our digestive tract. It’s an ecosystem that’s so complex, and so crucial, that some scientists call it a ‘second brain’. We’ll learn how it influences not just our digestion, but our immune system, our mood, , our skin health, and yes, even our aging process.
So whether you’re a long-time probiotics enthusiast, or you’re just curious about why health gurus keep recommending yogurt, this episode is packed with information that you won’t want to miss.
My guest today is Natasha Trenev. Natasha is known as The Mother of Probiotics and – as you’ll soon hear, she has significantly contributed to the evolution of the probiotic industry as we know it today. Natasha is the founder and President of Natren, which is her probiotic and supplement company, and today she shares her lifetime of experience in researching probiotics and their impact on gut health.
You can connect with Natasha in the following ways:
Website – https://www.natren.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/NatrenProbiotics
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/@natrenprobiotics8877/videos
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-trenev-73118919/
Phone number – 866-4-NATREN
Instagram – @natashatrenev
Instagram – @natrenprobiotic
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