Coach’s Corner – Rethinking How We Measure Health

Welcome back to another episode of the Coach’s Corner on the Over 50 Health and Wellness Podcast. In today’s solo episode, I want to take a deeper look at the “healthy at any size” movement that’s becoming so popular today. 

I’ll start by saying that there’s no place for fat-shaming or judging people by their body size. We should respect and honor people of all shapes and sizes. However, the “healthy at any size” notion that we can be equally healthy at any weight is misleading and dangerous.

To understand why, we first need to look at how we define and measure health. The scale and BMI are poor indicators on their own. Two people can weigh the same but have vastly different body compositions. A better way to look at health is body fat percentage and muscle mass. 

The takeaway: we have less of an obesity problem than a lack of muscle problem. Building strength, especially as we age, is vital for health. That’s why I coach over-50s to get strong while maintaining a reasonable body fat percentage.

I hope this episode has given you a balanced perspective on health and body size. What matters most is loving and respecting ourselves and others while making empowered choices for our wellbeing.

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Kevin English

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