As summer rapidly approaches, I’ve got a crucial tip for you if you want to look and feel your best. Ready for it? Here it is:
Don’t eat any dessert or consume any alcohol.
Just kidding! 😂
Those who know me know I love my desserts, and while I’ve cut alcohol out of my life, I won’t judge you for enjoying a poolside cocktail or a glass (or two) of wine on date night.
With summer just a month away, I’ve noticed a pattern that repeats every year. Tell me if this sounds familiar…
The Annual Roller Coaster
The beginning of the year is full of hope and motivation. You’re ready to tackle your body composition goals, get healthy, and look and feel your best. This enthusiasm typically lasts about a month or two before motivation starts to fade, and staying consistent becomes a struggle.
Weekends get harder, and those moments of going “off track” become more frequent. Then suddenly, it’s mid-May, and summer’s just around the corner. The thought of being uncomfortable in a bikini or taking your shirt off at the pool kicks your motivation into overdrive.
Summer arrives, the kids are home from college, family and social events are in full swing, and staying consistent becomes even more challenging. This is usually when many of us start to project ahead to graduation parties, vacations, and social events, thinking we don’t want to be “dieting” through all the fun. It feels overwhelming and stressful, so we convince ourselves that now isn’t the right time. We’ll refocus once things “settle down.”
The Cycle of Motivation and Disconnection
This cycle often continues into fall when kids go back to college, and motivation shifts again. We wake up from our slumber, realizing we’re still uncomfortable with how we look and feel, so we jump back in with both feet. This usually lasts until the holiday season, another period of disconnection, and then the cycle starts over in January.
Breaking the Cycle
Let’s break down what this scenario communicates to yourself:
- My schedule needs to be calm to pursue my goals.
- If I can’t be perfect, I shouldn’t bother.
- It’s okay to waste time because I can always do it later.
- I’m more likely to be successful when I’m not busy.
- My goals are only a priority some of the time.
This pattern reinforces the idea that when things get hectic, you stop pursuing your goals. Even if you go full steam ahead when things settle down, it’s a ticking time bomb because the next time things get busy (and they WILL get busy), you’ll stop again.
The Secret to Success
The key to massive success lies in two periods: summer and the holiday season. These challenging times teach you how to be successful even when life isn’t perfect. And if you can be successful when things are tough, imagine the leaps forward you can take when life is easier!
The Biggest Mistake
So, back to the number one mistake MOST people make: waiting for the “perfect” time to get serious about health and body composition goals. There’s no such thing as a “perfect time.” Real life doesn’t work that way. Instead, focus on developing healthy habits and behaviors that support your weight loss goals and make them part of your year-round lifestyle.
If you’d like a proven framework and accountability to help you achieve your goals, now is the perfect time to reach out. We’re running our summer sale – you could finally unlock the secret to building and maintaining a lean, strong, capable, healthy body that you love for the rest of your life, and even save a few bucks to boot!
Interested? Just reach out to [email protected] and we’ll set up a time to chat.Here’s to a fit and fabulous summer!