Embracing Body Positivity and Healing Emotional Eating

In our fast-paced, image-driven society, many of us have found ourselves trapped in an unhealthy cycle of emotional eating and body dissatisfaction. This struggle is often exacerbated by the pervasive diet culture that equates our worth with our weight, leading to a constant battle with food and our self-image.  It’s time to break free from…

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Metabolic Magic: How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off 

Are you over 50 and tired of the endless cycle of dieting and weight regain? Do you want to lose weight and keep it off forever without feeling like you’re constantly on a diet? If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.  In this post, I’m going to share how to get off…

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Are You Making This Weight Loss Mistake?

As summer rapidly approaches, I’ve got a crucial tip for you if you want to look and feel your best. Ready for it? Here it is: Don’t eat any dessert or consume any alcohol. Just kidding! 😂 Those who know me know I love my desserts, and while I’ve cut alcohol out of my life, I…

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Embracing GLP-1s After 50: A New Chapter in Weight Management

As we cross the threshold of 50, our bodies undergo numerous changes that can make weight management more challenging. Traditional dieting methods often prove less effective, and the quest for sustainable health becomes paramount. Enter GLP-1 receptor agonists—a class of medications initially designed for diabetes management that is now making waves in the world of…

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Navigating the Health Information Maze

In the age of information, we are constantly inundated with advice about health and fitness. It seems like every day there’s a new diet trend, a revolutionary exercise routine, or a must-have supplement. This relentless stream of advice can leave many of us feeling lost and unsure of where to start. But what if I…

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Should You Use a Lifting Belt?

Hey over 50 friends! Coach Kevin here with some tips on whether you should use a lifting belt for exercises like deadlifts and squats.  As a fitness coach, I’m often asked if wearing a belt is necessary or safe for these compound lifts. The short answer is that it depends on your experience level and…

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Do These 5 Things Before Starting Your Next Diet

We’ve all been there. You start a new diet with motivation and optimism only to fall off the wagon in a few weeks. The weight inevitably creeps back on – often with a few bonus pounds to boot. It’s easy to get discouraged and feel like you’ll never reach your weight loss goals.  But what…

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The Key to Over 50 Health and Optimal Body Composition

As we hit the golden years of 50 and beyond, the concept of “aging gracefully” often takes the spotlight. For many, this is synonymous with looking good and feeling great. It’s not just about vanity. Embracing the second half of life with vigor and enthusiasm demands a strong, functional body. This is where strength training,…

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Conquering Gym Intimidation

Embarking on a fitness journey later in life can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially if it means setting foot in a gym for the first time—or the first time in a while. Here’s a list of top tips for men and women over 50 who are looking to lose weight and get back in…

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