My guest this week on the Over 50 Health & Wellness podcast is Sylvie D’Aoust. Sylvie is a 50 year old life long fitness enthusiast and coach with a passion for cycling. Join us this week as Sylvie discusses her troubled youth and how she found solace and sanctuary in high school sports, and how that early love of physical activity carried her from bodybuilding competitions to competitive cycling. Sylvie shares her fitness journey and her thoughts on staying in peak condition as we age!
You can connect with Sylvie in the following ways:
YouTube – @SylvieDAoustWorkoutsCyclingCoaching
Facebook – @Daousttrainingsystems
Instagram – @sylviedaoust_cyclist
TickTock – @sylviedaoust_cyclist
Website – www.sylviedaoust.ca
Podcast – Secrets from the Saddle
Cycling Club – www.cyclefitchicks.ca
Download the Over 50 Health & Wellness Podcast wherever you get podcasts or click the link below to listen now.
Click HERE for transcript.