Are you over 50 and tired of the endless cycle of dieting and weight regain? Do you want to lose weight and keep it off forever without feeling like you’re constantly on a diet? If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
In this post, I’m going to share how to get off the diet-weight regain hamster wheel once and for all. Plus, I’ve got a free resource packed with simple, actionable tips to help you build a lean, strong, capable body and ensure you never have to go on another diet again!
Why Is Sustainable Weight Loss So Challenging?
Let’s face it: weight loss gets tougher as we age. But why is that? And why do so many of us struggle with keeping the weight off? The answer lies in modern diet culture and the obsession with quick fixes.
The Diet Dilemma
Diets don’t work for long-term weight loss because they ignore your metabolic health before you even start. Your metabolism is the key to sustainable weight loss, and you can think of it like a bank account. Constant dieting is like making withdrawals from your metabolic account without ever making deposits. This leads to metabolic bankruptcy, where weight regain is almost inevitable.
Investing in Your Metabolic Health
So, what should you do? The solution is to start making regular deposits into your metabolic account. Here are my top investment tips that pay the highest dividends when it comes to restoring and optimizing your metabolism:
1. Stop Dieting: This might sound counterintuitive if your goal is weight loss, but for the next couple of months, focus on nourishing your body with real, whole foods.
2. Increase Protein Intake: Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of your ideal body weight every day. Opt for lean cuts of beef and pork, chicken, poultry, eggs, fish, seafood, plain Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese.
3. Strength Train: Commit to three days a week of 45-minute full-body weight lifting sessions. This isn’t about going crazy in the gym; it’s about building muscle and boosting your metabolism.
4. Limit Cardio: Excessive cardio and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can actually be withdrawals from your metabolic account. Keep it moderate.
5. Walk More: Aim for at least 7,000 steps a day, with a long-term goal of 10,000 steps. Walking is a great low-impact way to boost your metabolism.
6. Prioritize Sleep: Healthy sleep is the foundation of over-50 health and one of your most valuable investments. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
7. Stay Hydrated: Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. Hydration is crucial for overall health and metabolism.
The 60-Day Metabolic Reset Challenge
Do these seven things for the next 60 days, and I guarantee your metabolic account will be flush with metabolic cash. This means your body will finally feel safe enough to let go of those stubborn fat stores.
Free Resource: Test Your Metabolic Account
As promised, here’s a free resource to help you on your investing journey. We have a free quiz that tests your metabolic account. We’ll tell you exactly how overdrawn you are and send you a personalized report with actionable tips you can implement today to start investing in your metabolic health.
Ready to take control of your weight and health? Just hit the TAKE QUIZ button at the top of this page.
Let’s make the second half of your life the best half!