Those of you have been listening to this show for a while know I love talking about metabolisms – and that I am a huge proponent of optimizing your metabolic health first and foremost. And for those of you who are new to the show – welcome! This show is a champion of healthy thriving, roaring metabolisms, in fact I believe this to be the foundational key to healthy aging and developing and maintaining a lifelong lean healthy body.
But all that being said, what the heck is a metabolism anyway? And how can you tell if yours is broken? And if it is broken, how would you go about fixing it? If it’s true that an optimal metabolism is the cornerstone to your healthy body composition goals, exactly how would you go about optimizing it? Stick around, we have a fun conversation today on all things metabolic!
My guest today is Dr. Ian Smith. Dr. Ian is a NY Times bestselling author, a speaker, and media personability who has appeared on such shoes as The Oprah Winfrey show, The View, Dr. Oz, Anderson Cooper 360, and many more. Join us today as Dr. Ian helps us understand what a metabolism is, what its role is in obtaining and maintaining a heathy body composition, and how to become metabolically flexible.
You can connect with Dr. Ian in the following ways:
Website – https://doctoriansmith.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Dr.IanKSmith
Twitter – https://twitter.com/driansmith
Insta – https://www.instagram.com/doctoriansmith/
Email – [email protected]
Book – The MetFlex Diet – https://www.amazon.com/Met-Flex-Diet-Burn-Better/dp/0063289822/
Book – The MetFlex Diet Workbook – https://www.amazon.com/MET-FLEX-DIET-Workbook-Companion/dp/B0BW2GGHK7/
Dr. Ian’s Author Page – https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ian-K.-Smith/author/B00MBBGQA4
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