If I tell you someone is an energy healer, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Are you triggered? Dismissive? Or maybe intrigued?
Maybe you think of energy healing as woo-woo and relegated to the realm of new age hippies with no grounding in reality or science.
Or maybe like me your curious. Maybe you don’t know enough about the subject to have an educated opinion – but you’re intrigued. If that sounds like you, stick around, this is gonna be fun!
My guest today is Cyndi Dale. Cyndi is an internationally renowned author, speaker, intuitive energy healer, and professor of energy medicine. She has authored over 30 books on energy healing, spirituality, and intuitionincluding her most recent titled Energy Work for the Everyday to Elite Athlete.
Join us today as Cyndi shares her fascinating insights on energy healing for and it’s profound impacts on healthy aging.
You can connect with Cyndi in the following ways:
Website: www.CyndiDale.com
Facebook: @EssentialEnergyWithCyndiDale
Instagram: @CyndiDaleEnergy
Twitter: @CyndiDale
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