Did you know that 10,000 men and women turn retirement age every day? The average age for men to retire here in the US is 65, and 62 for women.
When most of us think about retirement planning, our minds default to financial planning. And while addressing financial realities and having a financial gameplan is a critical part of a successful retirement – it’s only a piece of the puzzle, and we’re not taking about that today.
We’re going to approach retirement planning from angle that most of us haven’t considered. Today we’re taking about coming up with a roadmap for ensuring a successful transition into retirement by considering 4 key areas: identity, purpose, community, and connection.
So if retirement is in your future – or even if you’ve already retired – stick around, we’re going to give you some great tips on how to successfully build a roadmap to a healthy and fulfilling retirement!
My guest today is John Briggs. John is the founder and Managing Partner of Authentica, where he spends most of his time in keynotes, workshops and retreats helping companies reach their aspired culture through the intentional development of their people. As you’ll hear in this episode, John’s most recent project is the Covered Bridge program which helps people like you and me successfully navigate life transitions.
You can connect with John and learn more about the Covered Bridge program here:
Covered Bridge Website – https://coveredbridgeprogram.com
Authentica Website – https://authenticausa.com
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnbriggs3/
John mentioned the following resources:
Book – Life Is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age by Bruce Feller – https://www.amazon.com/Life-Transitions-Mastering-Change-Any/dp/1101980516/
Book – From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life by Arthur Brooks – https://www.amazon.com/From-Strength-to/dp/1472989759/
Book – Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek – https://www.amazon.com/Start-Why-Leaders-Inspire-Everyone/dp/1591846447/
Book – The Good Life by Dr. Robert Waldinger & Dr. Marc Schulz – https://www.amazon.com/The-Good-Life/dp/1668022591/
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