Bulletproof Your Back

A strong back is an injury resistant back.

Another way of saying this is a weak back is an injury-prone back. 

Many of us over 50 start to experience aches and pains, and our backs are prime candidates for feeling tweaked, sore, or downright painful. Taking the time to strengthen your back now will pay dividends in the long run. Here are some thoughts to get you started!

Shore Up Your Core: Often, when we think of the core, our minds jump straight to abs. However, the core is a complex group of muscles that extend far beyond just your abdominal region. It encompasses all muscles from your hips to your chest, including those on the front, side, and rear of your body. A well-toned core not only gives you a leaner appearance but also provides stability, balance, and strength to your entire body, particularly the back. Engage in exercises that work the entirety of your core to ensure maximum support for your spine and back.

Practice Compound Lifts: Compound exercises are movements that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Among these, deadlifts and bent over barbell rows stand out as exemplary exercises for the back. They target the entire posterior chain – the series of muscles running down the backside of your body. Not only do they provide a comprehensive back workout, but they also contribute significantly to injury-proofing your back. Remember, while these lifts are incredibly beneficial, form is paramount. Incorrect technique can lead to injuries, defeating the purpose of strengthening your back.

Consistency is Key: While it might be tempting to lift heavy weights right off the bat, especially if you’ve been active in your younger years, start slow. Begin with a light weight that allows you to maintain perfect form. As your strength and technique improve, you can gradually up the intensity. Consistency in your workouts will yield better results over time than sporadic heavy lifting.

Seek Professional Guidance: The digital realm has made access to fitness content easier than ever, but personal guidance remains invaluable, especially for intricate movements like the deadlift. If you’re unfamiliar or feel uncertain, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. For our readers here, we have YouTube video titled “The Over 50 Guide to the Deadlift”. If you’re interested, you can view that video HERE. This guide breaks down the movement step by step, ensuring you get the most out of the exercise while staying safe.Embarking on a fitness journey, especially post-50, is commendable. With the right guidance and approach, you’re not just working towards a stronger back but a more vibrant, active, and fulfilling life. 

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Kevin English

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