Let me ask you a question – are you tired of dieting? Are you frustrated with your lack of progress, no matter how hard you seem to try? Well, maybe it’s time to stop the diet madness and start living a life that you truly love. Forget about weight loss for a minute, and focus on creating a life that is enjoyable and fulfilling – a life that brings you real, meaningful joy. My guest today says that when you do that, the weight will lose itself.
My guest today is Camille Martin. Camille is a registered dietitian, health blogger, and senior technical editor for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She is also a former chronic dieter who wasted nearly 25 years of her life dieting. When she finally quit dieting and started setting and achieving more meaningful goals, she lost weight without trying. She also made powerful connections between our obsession to lose weight and the cultural conditioning that keeps us locked in a prison of silence, shame, and limitation. In her book, Love To Lose: Love Your Life and Watch the Weight Lose Itself, she uses what she learned on her own weight-loss journey to help others stop wasting their lives on a diet, embrace everything about themselves, achieve what they’re truly capable of − and lose weight in the process.
Below is Camille’s contact information as well as links to the references she mentioned in this episode:
Website – www.camillemartinrd.com
Instagram – @camille_martin_rd
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/camillemartinrd
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBqLdQNIiM_-ieGN48LuwXg
Book – The Power of Habit by James Duhigg – https://www.amazon.com/Power-Habit-What-Life-Business/dp/081298160X
Book – Atomic Habits by James Clear – https://jamesclear.com/
Free Guide – Set Up Your Kitchen for Weight Loss Success – https://camillemartinrd.com/kitchen-guide/
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Living Libations – https://livinglibations.com/
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