Here’s a question for you – how much do you know about CBD? There seems to be so much hype around CBD right now. CBD is being touted as a miracle that will cure whatever ails you. And savvy marketers are certainly looking to cash in on the CBD craze. But what does that mean for you and me? Is this stuff actually good for us? Can we trust the seemingly never-ending stream of CBD products hitting the market? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to find out.
My guest today is going to guide us through the CBD wilderness and help us sort fact from fiction. So lace up your hiking boots and join me as we head out to explore the fascinating world of CBD and it’s potential to assist us on our journey of healthy aging.
Ret co-founded the company Ned to help people feel better and live better by creating natural remedies to serve as a holistic first line of defense against common ailments. Ret stumbled into CBD as a natural remedy early on and spent years searching for the perfect product. Join us today as we de-mystify this ancient medicine and have an honest conversation about what the hemp plant can – and can’t – do for our health and wellbeing.
We discussed the following resources during this episode:
Website – https://helloned.com/
Use coupon code “silveredge” at checkout for 15% off all products.
Instagram @ned
Chris Ford Nutrition – www.aeternushealth.com
Insta – @aeternushealth
Silver Edge free guides – https://silveredgefitness.com/free/
Over 50 Lean Body Blueprint group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/3172506236368032