What do radical healing, quantum physics, transcendence, spiritual journeys, finding your life’s purpose, and Zumba have in common? On the surface these things don’t seem that interconnected.
But before we get to that, I want to take a minute and talk about preconceived notions. We all have preconceived notions, usually concerning things we know very little about. I know for me personally when I started today’s interview, I had my own preconceived notions of Zumba. If you’re not familiar with Zumba, perhaps you too have your preconceived notions of what Zumba is, of what type of people participate, of what the instructors are like, and whether Zumba would be appropriate for you. If so, I invite you to stick around, because we are going to shatter those preconceived notions, and along the way we’ll cover radical healing, quantum physics, transcendence, spiritual journeys, finding your life’s purpose, and of course Zumba.
My guest today is Josette Tkacik. Josette is globally regarded as the most successful Zumba instructor ever and has been named a medical miracle for self-healing advanced rheumatoid arthritis. Her story and work have been featured on NPR, Zumba.com, The Daily OM, and many more. Join us this week as Josette shares her incredible story of how she overcame crippling rheumatoid arthritis (without drugs) to living her best life. Along the way we’ll dive into radical healing, quantum physics, transcendence, spiritual journeys, finding your life’s purpose… and how these things tie into Zumba!
You can connect with Josette in the following ways:
Website – https://www.josettetkacik.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ZumbainSB/
Instagram – @josettetkacik
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/JosetteTkacik
Josette mentioned the following resources on today’s show:
Dr. Bruce Lipton – https://www.brucelipton.com/
Dr. Joe Dispenza – https://drjoedispenza.com/
Daily OM – https://www.dailyom.com/
Zumba – https://www.zumba.com/en-US
Sponsor Info:
Living Libations – https://livinglibations.com/
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