Ooh la la, spring is in the air, and as one of Bambi’s friends said in the 1942 Disney classic, “everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime!” But some of us over 50 get less twitterpated than we used to, and we’re often way too quick to attribute this loss of libido and performance as a natural part of aging.
In this week’s episode of the Coach’s Corner, I start out by talking about how strength training can improve your sex life, and then I move on to talk about the importance of healthy sun exposure. The links to all the resources we discussed in this episode are below:
MAPS Fitness Products – https://products.mindpumpmedia.com/a/501/RPjmwnie
Silver Edge Personalized Coaching Service – https://silveredgefitness.com/coaching/
Environmental Working Group Sunscreen Guide – https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/
National Center for Biotechnology Grade Your Skin Type – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK321117/
Dminder Vitamin D App – https://dminder.ontometrics.com/
Living Libations Sun Care – https://livinglibations.com/collections/sun-care
Over 50 Lean Body Blueprint Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/3172506236368032