When you hear the word Parkour, what comes to mind? For me it’s the opening scene of the 2006 James Bond movie Casino Royale with incredible stunts. Or maybe the opening scene from the US version of The Office, where Michael, Dwight and Andy are filming themselves doing hardcore parkour. But what doesn’t jump to mind immediately is a 52 year old woman doing parkour and teaching parkour.
And maybe this has less to do with my innate ageist and sexist attitudes, and more with my media clouded versions of parkour. Either way, however familiar you are with parkour, I invite you join me in re-examining this creative art through a new lens.
My guest today is Dr. Julie Angel. Julie is an artist, filmmaker, visual anthropologist, an author, a movement coach, a brand ambassador for Merrill, and has the distinction of earning the world’s first PhD in parkour. Julie helps people overcome obstacles and rediscover their potential by finding a love of – and meaning in – movement. In this episode Julie shares how she found herself out of shape in her mid 30s fascinated with Parkour, and how her love and passion for human movement forever changed the arc of her life.
You can connect with Julie in the following ways:
Website –https://julieangel.com/
Instagram – @julie_angel_phd
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/julie.angel
YouTube – Julie Angel Movement Coach – YouTube
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