Maybe it’s a generational thing, or perhaps it’s just me, but I’ve never been comfortable sharing my private life with others, especially areas that cause me discomfort or pain. In other words, I’ve never been very good at being vulnerable, showing weakness, or asking for help. And I’ll be honest with you, this has not served me particularly well.
I think I’ve always equated asking for help with weakness – with not being capable of figuring things out on my own. But our guest today flips this script upside down. He states that it takes great strength and courage to ask for help, to be vulnerable, and to optimize our mental health to become our best selves.
My guest today is Ryan Kopyar. Ryan is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Published Author, Hypnotherapist, and Holistic Healer, and today he is going to empower you with the tools you need to release fear anxiety, and sadness, and rewire you brain and body to feel happiness and love so that you can be ready for your best possible life.
You can connect with Ryan here:
Website – https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/
Email – [email protected]
Instagram – @ryankopyar
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075584018072
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Energy Bits – www.silveredgefree.com
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