Imagine this. You’re teaching your child to ride a bike. If you don’t have kids, just imagine a beloved child. You’ve just taken the training wheels off for the first time and you help them get on the bike. With your hand on one handlebar and the other on the back of the seat you slowly get them rolling. You tell your child you’re going to let go on the count of three. 1, 2, 3. You let go, and they wobble for exactly one half of a pedal rotation before falling over.
What is your reaction to this quote failure unquote? Do you tell this child they are an idiot and a failure? Do you tell them might as well forget they crazy dream of ever riding a bike like the other big kids?
Of course not. You stand beside them and tell them that was a great start and that you’re proud of them, and then you help them get back on the bike to try again.
So why is this so different from the way many of us talk to ourselves after a quote failure unquote? Maybe it’s time to relearn how to parent ourselves. Or maybe – as my guest today says – it’s time to learn how to kick ass compassionately, to celebrate small victories, learn from our mistakes and discover the power of the restart.
My guest today is Kathleen Trotter. Kathleen first appeared on this show about a year ago, and she’s back again today to help us become our fittest future selves. Kathleen is a fitness expert, media personality, personal trainer, writer and author, and as you’ll soon hear, she is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about helping people live their best lives. She believes that we should live our lives by design, not by default to become our best – and fittest – selves. But that’s easier said than done. But not to fear – Kathleen is here to guide us on this journey.
Join us today as Kathleen shares her thoughts on why working is winning, the importance of perseverance, patience, and intentions, why we need to build systems now that will support our future selves, and the criticality of mindset and self-love.
You can connect with Kathleen in the following ways:
Website – www.kathleentrotter.com
Facebook – @FITbyKathleenT
Instagram – @fitbykathleent
YouTube – Kathleen Trotter Personal Trainer – YouTube
Twitter – @fitbykathleent
Kathleen’s first appearance on the Over 50 Health & Wellness podcast – https://silveredgefitness.com/how-to-create-your-fittest-future-self-with-kathleen-trotter/
Book – Finding Your Fit: A Compassionate Trainer’s Guide to Making Fitness a Lifelong Habit by Kathleen Trotter – https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Your-Fit-Compassionate-Trainers/dp/1459735196/
Book – Your Fittest Future Self: Making Choices Today for a Happier, Healthier, Fitter Future You by Kathleen Trotter – https://www.amazon.com/Your-Fittest-Future-Self-Healthier/dp/1459741285/
The Power of Habit Ted Talk w/ Charles Duhigg – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMbsGBlpP30
Book – The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg – https://www.amazon.com/Power-Habit-What-Life-Business/dp/1400069289/
Book – Atomic Habits by James Clear – https://www.amazon.com/Atomic-Habits-Proven-Build-Break/dp/0735211299/
Andrew Huberman on Impact Theory – https://impacttheory.com/episode/andrew-huberman/
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