Before we get started with today’s episode, I want to speak to you ladies. This episode is as much for you as it is for the men. When today’s guest Dr. Tracy Gapin first approached me with the topic of men’s health, I was initially reluctant, mainly because according to my statistics this show’s audience is close to 50/50 men and women. But Dr. Gapin informed me that a large number of his clients are actually referred to him by their partners – most commonly their wives. And let’s face it, us men can be pretty bull-headed when it comes to seeing a doctor, in fact many of us men do a really crappy job of self-care. I actually considered titling this episode something generic, just to trick you ladies into clicking play, but ultimately decided against that. So again, thank you so much for tuning in, and thank you collectively for pushing us men to take better care of ourselves.
OK, guys listen up. We – myself included – need to step up and take ownership for our health, and that includes our sexual health. I know from personal experience that this can be an extremely sensitive topic – it can be embarrassing, awkward, and downright painful. So, my hope is that after listening to this episode you’ll get your hormone levels checked and then – depending on the results – take appropriate action. This was an insightful and informative conversation, so thanks for tuning in.
My guest today is Dr. Tracy Gapin. Dr. Gapin is a board-certified urologist and founder of the Gapin Institute where he specializes in individualized cutting-edge health care. In this episode Dr. Gapin shares his own men’s health journey which led him to where he is today. Dr. Gapin describes the state of men’s health today – and it’s not a pretty picture – and gives us a ton of information and tips on how to improve our lifestyles to optimize our hormones. He also discusses testosterone replacement therapy – he tells us the warning signs of low testosterone and discusses exactly who is a good candidate for this treatment. Along the way we discuss cutting edge aging research, new peptide therapies, and the safety and efficacy of testosterone replacement. You can connect with Dr. Gapin in the following ways:
Website – https://drtracygapin.com/
Instagram – @drtracygapin
Facebook – @drtracygapin
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8U-xLrHqccWvnVYU2Ci_A
GAINSWave Treatment – GAINSWave | Revolutionizing Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
Book – Male 2.0 by Dr. Tracy Gapin – https://www.amazon.com/Male-2-0-Cracking-Limitless-Vitality/dp/0578605961/
Book – Lifespan by David Sinclair & Matthew LaPlante – https://www.amazon.com/Lifespan-Why-Age_and-Dont-Have/dp/1501191977/