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Weightlifting with Olympian Michael Cohen
My guest this week on the Over 50 Health & Wellness podcast is Michael Cohen. Michael is a 63 year old former weight lifting Olympian and two time Olympic head coach. In addition to Olympians, Michael has coached numerous Senior, Junior, and Youth National Champions. In this episode we’ll hear how Michael became an Olympian…
Feel Your Best at Every Age with Darla Leal
My guest this week on the Over 50 Health & Wellness podcast is Darla Leal. Darla is a 56 year old personal trainer, blogger, wife, mother and grandmother, who coaches her clients to feel their best at every age, helping them create healthy habits that last a lifetime. Join us this week as we discuss…
The Importance of Mindset with Laurie Meschishnick
My guest this week on the Over 50 Health & Wellness podcast is Laurie Meschishnick. Laurie is a 56 year old Mindset Coach teaching athletes, leaders, and teams how amazing they are through world class mentorship, programs, and presentations. Laurie is also an athlete. She has been to the CrossFit Games 7 times, winning 4…
Bodyweight Strength with Kenneth Lein
My guest this week is Kenneth Lein. Kenneth is a 51 year old former physicist who specialized in studying black holes with a serious passion for fitness. Kenneth spent a great deal of time and resources earning a PhD in physics, and he specialized in studying black holes. But despite being drawn to space and…
Healthy Holistic Aging with Michele Smith
My guest this week is Michele Smith. Michele is a 64 year old anti-aging body transformation coach with over 25 years of coaching experience. In 2009 – at age 52 – Michele became the oldest figure competitor in the INBBF to earn professional status. Today Michele is a certified private clinic owner of the Permanent…
World Record Powerlifter Rudy Kadlub
My guest this week is Rudy Kadlub. Rudy is the CEO and co-owner of Kaubki Strength whose mission is to make the world a better place through strength. And Rudy knows a thing or two about strength… he began powerlifting at age 55, and now at age 71, he is a powerlifting world record holder…
Aging and Brain Health with Dr. Andrea Wilkinson
My guest this week is Dr. Andrea Wilkinson. Dr. Wilkinson has a Ph.D. in Psychology, with a specialization in Cognitive Aging. She has been researching brain health and cognitive maintenance for over 15 years. She founded BrainShape for adults who want to optimize their mental vibrancy and physical energy as they age. Dr. Wilkinson is…
From Scrawny to Brawny with Tom MacCormick
My guest today is Tom MacCormick. Tom’s mission is to educate, inspire, and motivate skinny guys through the process of building a bigger, stronger, and healthier body. And he would know, as a former skinny kid himself, he added over 50 pounds to his frame. Not only did he experience a physical transformation, but in…
Food and Fitness with Jennifer Fisher
My guest this week is Jennifer Fisher. Jennifer is an award-winning recipe creator, food & fitness blogger, healthy cooking coach, spokesperson, competitive runner and CrossFit enthusiast. Whether in person or through her blog,, Jennifer offers ways to quickly and confidently prepare healthy, delicious, well-balanced meals. She has been featured in numerous publications including Saveur,…
Animal Flow with Caroline Taylor
My guest this week on the Over 50 Health & Wellness podcast is Caroline Taylor. Caroline is a 57 year old personal trainer and animal flow coach in the UK with 22 years of military service. She is passionate about helping clients feel strong, energized, and fit for life – whether that means getting into…