If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in healthy aging. We can look at healthy aging as a spectrum – with sickness on the far left, and optimal health and vitality on the far right. And I think it’s fair to say that regardless of where you currently fall on this spectrum, you’d like to move further to the right, towards a life full of health and vitality.
But exactly HOW do we do that? And what separates those that are successful in this journey from those that seem to struggle? There’s so much conflicting information floating around – most of it from people and companies trying to sell us something – it’s no wonder that many of us struggle when it comes to long term sustainable health and fitness.
Today we’re going to cut through the hype and clutter and focus on the essential elements of strong vital healthy aging. In other words – how to become ageless men and women.
My guest today is Nate Wilkins. Nate is a health and wellness educator, renowned speaker, fitness trainer, and author. Nate is also the co-founder of Ageless Workout where he teaches that ageless is a mindset and that we can defy the aging process and live our healthiest, most vital lives as we age gracefully.
Join us today as Nate shares what it takes to obtain – and maintain – an ageless mindset and body.
You can connect with Nate in the following ways:
Website: www.agelessworkout.com
LinkedIn: Nathaniel Wilkins
Facebook: @agelessworkout
Twitter: @agelessworkout
Instagram: @godfather_agelessworkout
Sponsor Info: Energy Bits
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