Posts by Kevin English
Making Choices for a Happier, Healthier, Fitter You with Kathleen Trotter
Imagine this. You’re teaching your child to ride a bike. If you don’t have kids, just imagine a beloved child. You’ve just taken the training wheels off for the first time and you help them get on the bike. With your hand on one handlebar and the other on the back of the seat you…
Read MoreCoach’s Corner – Last Minute Gift Ideas
Today we have another episode of the Coach’s Corner today, so no guest – it’s just me – and we’ll be back next week with our normal interview format next week. But today I thought it would be fun to share my list of 12 last-minute gift ideas to finish up your Christmas shopping. So…
Read MoreImprove Your Hearing health with James Gilchrist
If you’ve been a listener of this podcast for a while, you’ll know I’m a huge advocate for optimizing your health, for being your own health care advocate. I’ve been working on optimizing my health and fitness for over a decade. I dramatically improved my strength and fitness, I’ve cleaned up my diet and improved…
Read MoreCoach’s Corner – How to Break Through a Weight Lifting Plateau
Today we have another episode of the Coach’s Corner today, so no guest – it’s just me – and we’ll be back next week with our normal interview format next week. But today I want to cover a couple of things in this episode. We’ll start off talking about the sins of the half repper…
Read MoreElite Fitness Over 50 with Marcie Wells
Here’s a question for you. Are there elite athletes over the age of 50? The answer is yes – of course there are. But what does it take to be at the top of your game in your fifties? To be one of the fittest human beings on the entire planet? Well, if you’ve ever…
Read MoreCoach’s Corner – You Are a Hero
YOU ARE A HERO! Yes, you. And like all hero’s you’re on a quest. You face seemingly impossible odds. You have an enemy, and your enemy is powerful. The enemy must be overcome in order to emerge victorious. And the stakes are life and death. Join me this week for another edition of the Coach’s…
Read MoreCalling All Over 50 Fitness Fanatics with Jeffrey Luke
In a few minutes you’re going to hear me say something along the lines it’s our mission at the Silver Edge to help get you into the best shape of your life – no matter your age. I repeat that every show in our podcast intro. And maybe when you hear that you’re thinking that…
Read MoreYour Cellular Health & the Future of Medicine with Dr. William Miller
One day in the ocean a wave was born. He started his life as a small swell, traveling along the ocean’s surface, slowly getting larger as it made his way towards land. He grew bigger and bigger, and as he grew he became aware of himself compared to the other waves. And still he grew,…
Read MoreCoach’s Corner – How to Survive the Holidays in a Healthy and Sane Manner
In the spirit of the holiday season, I’m so pleased to announce our 2022 Silver Edge Holiday Survival Team giveaway. The grand prize will be 6 months of free one-on-one coaching – this is our 6 Month Body Reset coaching package, and the second prize will be 3 months of one-on-one coaching – which is…
Read MoreStrong and Lean with Mark Lauren
What can those of us over 50 learn from the military’s elite special forces? These men and women are the fittest of the fit, the toughest of the tough. The grueling training and testing they must go through weeds out all but the absolute best. In fact, depending on the program, the attrition rate from…
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