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Making Waves with Buzzy Kerbox
I was born in Santa Monica, CA, but moved to rural southwestern PA when I was very young, maybe five or six. There I lived on a beef cattle farm with cows, chickens, horses, an apple orchard, and a gigantic vegetable garden. Somewhere in my mid-teens a divorce landed me in a teeny tiny ex…
Coach’s Corner – Health Food Imposters
In this week’s episode of the Coach’s Corner I start out by talking about some foods that often get marketed as healthy, but really aren’t, and I list my top 13 foods that fall into this category as well as healthier alternatives. Then I spend a few minutes pontificating on what would happen if I…
Change Yourself – Change Your World with Tim James
I used to think of health as an either/or proposition – either you’re unhealthy or you’re healthy. But I now think of health as a continuum – with extremely poor health on one end, and optimal health and vitality on the other end. And if we labeled this continuum from one to ten – with…
Coach’s Corner – Progressive Overload and Fitness Technology
In this week’s episode of the Coach’s Corner, I start out by talking about the importance of progressive overload and how to incorporate these principles in your exercise program. Then I talk about being a salesman, and what I’m selling and what you are buying, and I finish up discussing a few articles I read…
The State of Men’s Health with Dr. Tracy Gapin
Before we get started with today’s episode, I want to speak to you ladies. This episode is as much for you as it is for the men. When today’s guest Dr. Tracy Gapin first approached me with the topic of men’s health, I was initially reluctant, mainly because according to my statistics this show’s audience…
Coach’s Corner – My Favorite Superfoods
I’m traveling this week, so just a short Coach’s Corner today. Here’s what we’re covering in today’s episode. I start off talking about my favorite superfoods and why I try to eat them every day. Then spend a few minutes answering the question of is it realistic to think you can get into the best…
The Happiness Warrior Eric North
Let me ask you a personal question – are you happy? I mean you’re listening to the Over 50 Health & Wellness podcast right now, so I’ll assume you’re at least a little bit happy right now. But are you big-picture happy? I suppose we should define happiness. The dictionary states that happiness is a…
Coach’s Corner – No, I’m Not Selling Counterfeit Viagra!
In this week’s edition of the Coach’s Corner, I start out by talking about my website getting hacked by some nasty cyber-criminals, and then talk about some Instagram posts I’ve seen recently discussing top foods for burning belly fat. Then I talk a bit on why you should consider yourself and athlete, and that as…
The Godfather of Strength & Conditioning Dan John
I’m a big fan of keeping things simple, of not over-complicating things. I like to take complex concepts and study them and break them down into easy-to-understand chunks. I remember a professor in college once telling me that if I couldn’t explain a concept to a child, that I didn’t fully understand that concept myself. …
Coach’s Corner – Does Diet Soda Help You Lose Weight?
In this week’s edition of the Coach’s Corner I start out by talking about the new James Bond movie and how Daniel Craig gets into such great shape for his role as 007, and then spend a couple of minutes talking about what to do when you get off track from your nutrition or exercise…